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Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Are Zombies coming? Is it the way we think? Find out here!

One of the biggest questions today is this : "Will the Zombie Apocalypse come soon?" Well, in all fairness, no one really knows. But we do have clues as to how it could happen.

One of the easiest ways a zombie apocalypse could happen is by puffer-fish? How can that be right? Well, puffer-fish neruotoxins are extremely deadly. Usually only if you eat it. However, it has been proven that if it is rubbed on someones skin, it could cause that person to enter a Zombie-like state. Imagine if someone were to somehow mass produce this in bathing products... Its not exactly zombies, as the people are still "Alive." They are just in a different state. They are still human, but are in pain. They would all likely die of hunger but who's to say they won't rise? If things happen like this, just the touch of them could infect you. Not just a scratch or a bite.

Another way is something we all would expect. Parasites. But which parasites could cause a zombie outbreak? Well, there is one that could easily start something like this. There are 2 really. But I will only go into detail about one, as the other is so major now. The one I won't discuss much is : Ebola. The one I will tell you a little about is : Horsehair worms. These parasites infect their host, lay eggs, and start taking over the brain. As they multiply so fast, it can't really be contained. While these are mainly found in insects, there have been a few cases where humans have been infected. When this parasite takes over the brain...well...zombies could be coming. All we can do is hope that no more of these happens.

This next is pretty terrifying to those who don't like flying things that sting. You know what I'm talking about. Wasps. The Jewel Wasp to be exact. While mainly affecting insects, it could quickly mutate and be harmful to humans. This wasp stings its prey in such a way it, that paralyzes them, then gives them the strength to do simple tasks such as walk. It pretty much turns its prey into zombies. But I doubt that they would kill other humans that then join their ranks. So we could be a little safer with this one. No one can be quite sure though.

Another is Mad Cow Disease. Humans can also contract a version of this disease, known as Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. The disease actually has similar symptoms to zombie behavior, with one major difference: So far, no one infected with the disease has been reported as acting violently towards other humans. But that could be only a matter of time...

But one of the biggest threat are things you would not expect : Nanobots. But how? Well Scientists have already created a nano-cyborg, by fusing a tiny silicone chip to a virus. The first thing they found out is these cyborgs can still operate for up to a month after the death of the host. Nano Scientist have already went for zombifaction, even though they know the real horror of it. So, this could all easily happen within a decade.


I know many of you are wanting to know more about Ebola, so I will share what I know and how it COULD be linked to a zombie Apocalypse. Ebola is a man made disease that is spread by direct contact with any body fluids. Not only direct contact, but second hand usage of any item that has had body fluids of the infected person. Now, it is not directly linked to zombies, although some believe someone infected with Ebola got up after being declared "dead." This person was indeed infected with Ebola, but he did not die. The Ebola virus kept him on the brink of death, but never killed him. It just put him in a minimal living state.

How is Ebola in any way related to zombies? In truth, many people believe it is, but its not. Not today anyway. But, there is a chance that Ebola could be mutated with any of the above, or something else, and become a zombie virus. Not only that, but if Ebola can be created by man, who's to say a real zombie virus can't be made by man?

Well, that's all! Now, everything here is based off of science that has been done. So could it all really happen? Yes, it could.

Anyway, I would like to thank you all for taking the time to read through this blog. Come back soon as I will be doing more posts, not really on zombies, but anything. If you would like to see a blog on anything in specific, please say so in the comments.

Also, if you would like to make a donation to Vexx Thorn (also a website soon. For all gamers in need) you can do so through PayPal. Just send it to voidedvexx@gmail.com

Thanks again everyone! Have a glorious day!

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